Arcutis Reports the NDA Submission of Roflumilast to the US FDA for the Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis
- The submission was based on the P-III trial (STRATUM) evaluating roflumilast (0.3%) vs vehicle in adults & adolescents
- The trial met its 1EPs i.e., 79.5% vs 58.0% of patients treated with roflumilast foam achieved IGA success @8wk., & significant improvement from vehicle on IGA success @2wk. 51.3% reached clear @8wk., was well-tolerated with a favorable safety & tolerability profile
- The study showed significant improvements on all 2EPs incl. itch, scaling & erythema, ≥60% achieved an itch response @8wk. (62.8% vs 40.6%) with significant improvements @2 & 4wk., incidence of TEAEs was low & similar b/w treatment arms, no treatment-related SAEs were reported, ~90% completed the full 8wks. with few treatment discontinuations due to AEs (0.7% vs 2.0%)
Ref: Arcutis | Image: Arcutis
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Neha is a Senior Editor at PharmaShots. She is passionate and very enthusiastic about recent updates and developments in the life sciences and pharma industry. She covers Biopharma, MedTech, and Digital health segments along with different reports at PharmaShots. She can be contacted at connect@pharmashots.com.